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Signs of a delayed injury after a car accident

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2024 | Auto Accidents

When you are in a car accident in Georgia, you might assume any injuries will be immediately apparent. However, walking away from a car accident without any signs of an injury does not necessarily mean you are fine.

Some car accident injuries – even catastrophic injuries — have delayed symptoms. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the symptoms to watch out for after a car accident that could be signs of a major injury.

Do not ignore symptoms such as these in the days and weeks after a car accident. They could be symptoms of an underlying major injury and lead to long-term, serious complications.


Headaches are common when you are exhausted or stressed after a traumatic event. You might experience headaches after a car accident, but sometimes these headaches are a sign of something more serious, such as a traumatic brain injury.

Even mild headaches can be a sign of a serious injury, so do not assume that because your headaches are not constant or severe, they are nothing to worry about.

Back pain

Back pain, especially lower back pain, is also common after a car accident. The impact of a crash often puts pressure on the spine, which results in back pain.

If the back pain is concentrated on one specific area or includes stiffness or limited range of motion, this could be a sign of a spinal cord injury. Numbness and tingling are other symptoms of a spinal cord injury. Your doctor might recommend various tests to determine the extent of the injury.

Neck pain

Car accident victims often suffer from whiplash, which is caused by the head jerking back and forth. Neck pain after a car accident can be a sign of whiplash or other soft tissue injuries.

Seek medical treatment as soon as possible after you start experiencing any of these symptoms. Follow your doctor’s instructions and save all medical documentation. This helps you build a case if you pursue a personal injury action to recover compensation for your injury.