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Common types of spinal cord injuries after a car accident

On Behalf of | May 6, 2024 | Auto Accidents

Car crashes can cause various types of catastrophic injuries, such as brain or spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord injuries can occur no matter how major or minor the car crash is and result from damage to your back and neck.

You may not realize that there are several different types of spinal cord injuries you could sustain in a car accident. The spine is a major section of our body and extremely complex.

Lower, middle and upper back

The largest vertebrae in the spine are the lumbar vertebrae in the lower back. Lumbar strains and sprains are felt in your lower back and limit your ability to move properly.

When your upper or middle back are injured, this is called a thoracic vertebrae injury. This type of spinal cord injury is extremely serious because it could cause permanent nerve damage or paralysis.

Neck injuries

Neck injuries are called cervical vertebrae injuries and are a type of spinal cord injury. Although a seat belt protects your chest and waist areas, your neck is usually still unrestrained while you are in a vehicle.

This form of injury is more likely if your vehicle is hit from the side or front or you are thrown from the vehicle.

Herniated discs

If you feel sudden pain or numbness in any part of your back, you could have a herniated disc. Your discs can become displaced from sudden movement, which happens during a car accident.

No matter what type of spinal cord injury you have, loss of movement, spasms or a change in sensation are some common symptoms of a spinal cord injury. Tingling, numbness or trouble walking are more serious symptoms.

You should always be checked by a medical professional after a car wreck even if you do not believe you are seriously hurt. Follow your doctor’s instructions, especially when it comes to avoiding activities that may worsen the injury.

Damage from a spinal cord injury could be long-lasting or permanent, robbing you of participating in activities you once enjoyed. Negligent drivers should be held responsible for causing this type of damage.